Saturday, July 25, 2009

Downtown Dog 45, 46, 47, 48, 49

Downtown Dog 45
8" x 8" 
Oil on panel
Downtown Dog 46
8" x 8" 
Oil on panel
Downtown Dog 47
8" x 8" 
Oil on panel
Downtown Dog 48
8" x 8" 
Oil on panel
Downtown Dog 49
8" x 8" 
Oil on panel
I am almost half way there!

This project has been so rewarding and I've learned so much that I thought I'd share a few tips if you are a painter using oils or thinking about it.

1 - Always clean your brushes with soap and water when you are done with a session of painting - it really preserves the brushes which can get expensive as you know - never leave them sitting in mineral spirits for long periods of time.

2 - It really helps (for me) to paint the painting half way though (lay out the color) then finish it later in the day. Less stress to complete and the oils have enough time to semi dry to complete the painting.
If you've spent a lot of time working on something - walk around, check your email, do dishes or (my fav) take a nap - get a "fresh look" when you come back to the painting. I only work for an average 20 mins at a time.

3 - I like to keep a canvas cloth on my lap to brush off paint or dry the brush - it's really handy.

4 - A palette tray with a cover comes in handy when you are painting every day - it preserves the paint (oil only). Also wax paper is great for a liner in a palette tray. No matter how wet the paint gets it holds up without tearing. Then when it's used up just throw it away.

If I come up with any more I'll let you know.

Well, I'm off to FL for a week - time for me to pack!

One more thing - I am featured on a website called Dog Art Today.
Here is the website:

Friday, July 24, 2009

Downtown Dog 43, 44 & Clamshell Still Life

Downtown Dog 43
Oil on panel
8" x 8"
Downtown Dog 44
Oil on panel
8" x 8"
Clamshell Still Life
Oil on panel
6" x 6"
I'm slowly catching up on these. I've got a few in the works and should be sending more tomorrow.

I decided to get away from the dogs and painted my favorite Clamshell which I'm happy with the way it turned out and because of all the painting I'm doing, it was a very easy paint and took maybe an hour.

Downtown Dog 42 (Peppy Earl) unfortunately passed away this week. He was a sweet dog and will be missed greatly.

Plans to be at The Farmers Market this Saturday have fallen through - so the next Farmers Market date will be August 15th. For those of you who have purchased a portrait and were planning on picking them up I will get them to you when I get back from Florida.

Which brings me to my next point - I am leaving for Florida Sun to see my sister and family. I'll be back the following Monday, but will be posting paintings while I'm gone. I'm looking for to spending some time away and since I'm catching up on the dogs maybe I'll take some time off from painting.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Downtown Dog 40, 41, 42

8" x 8"
Oil on Panel

8" x 8"
Oil on Panel

This breed  is called a Papillon which means butterfly in french. I have never noticed how much these dog look like butterflies until now - amazing!

8" x 8"
Oil on Panel

And of course, my Chumley!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Downtown Dog 36, 37, 38, 39

Downtown Dog 39
8" x 8"
Oil on panel
Downtown Dog 38
8" x 8"
Oil on panel
Downtown Dog 37
8" x 8"
Oil on panel
 Downtown Dog 36
8" x 8"
Oil on panel

The Farmers' Market was a great success. I have lots of new photos to work from and possibly a place to show.

I'm starting to get inquiries to do portraits which is very exciting.

Guy asked me tonight "are you starting to get burned out?"  I thought about it and I told him sometimes when I do a lot of paintings at once I feel like... I can't take it!! I'm tired! And yeah, a little burned out. But it passes quickly and then the next thing I know I'm losing myself in another painting. What I'm getting out of it surpasses all the "being burned out" feelings.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Downtown Dog 31, 32, 33, 34, 35

 Downtown Dog 35
 Downtown Dog 34
 Downtown Dog 33
Downtown Dog 32

Downtown Dog 31
8" x 8"
Oil on panel

There is an interesting interview with Duane Keiser, who started the Daily Painting movement which I wanted to pass on to you. He has some interesting ideas on art & discipline:
(second article - "Meet Duane Keiser"

I've been trying to catch up to my goal and it really has been a true test of discipline. I thought today this is probably the hardest I've ever worked on anything in my life (like art boot camp) - which feels pretty good and I guess that's how I know I'm moving in the right direction because although it's been really tough, I can feel and see the rewards.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Downtown Dog 30

8" x 8"
Oil on gesso panel
I realize this isn't consistent with the rest, but when I saw this photo, I just had to do it. This little guy (or girl) is about as cute as you can get.

In addition to the Café Press shop, I have added a Red Bubble shop, where high quality prints & cards can be ordered in different sizes and formats - I plan on adding daily.

Red Bubble Shop:

Cafe Press Shop:

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Downtown Dog 29 & New Painting

8" x 8"
Oil on panel
A face only a mother could love.

I  have added the photos from July 4th photos to the site. Also I have an address for the downtown dog project now it's

I will be at the Farmer's Market July 18th and 25th with a lot more paintings - I'm estimating 42 - I'm almost halfway done! I'll also be working on one there.
Update on New Painting - Still got a lot of painting

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Downtown Dog 28 & New Painting

8" x 8" 
Oil on panel
I think the black & white French Bulldog is my favorite subject to paint, besides my own Jack Russell, of course.

Here is a painting in the very beginning stage - it's 65" x 35". I have a lot of work and larger paintings... well... there is no rushing. It just takes time. Thankfully I have rediscovered the large "house painting brush" from home depot - it really gets the paint on much quicker.  I'll more send updates later.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Zephie & Downtown Dogs 25, 26, 27

"Downtown Dog 27"
8" x 8"
Oil on Panel

"Downtown Dog 26"
8" x 8"
Oil on Panel

"Downtown Dog 25"
 8" x 8"
Oil on Panel

8" x 8"
Oil on Panel

As you can see I'm a little behind on the whole 100 dogs in 100 days thingy and just so you know, I didn't do four paintings in one day they were done over the last few days. (#24 was a commission)

I'm working on a really big painting to go in Caffe Phoenix in October - I'm sooo excited about it and will be working on it tomorrow morning - I'll send a photo of the progress.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Downtown Dog 23

8" x 8"
Oil on panel
This portrait makes this dog look taller that he really is - he actually is a combination of a bunch of dogs and has really short legs. Very cute and very sweet.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Downtown Dog 22

8" x 8"
Oil on panel

Spent the day at the Farmer's Market and the weather couldn't have been better - lots of people and dogs.

I painted this while I was at the market - it's my patriotic Westie!
Happy 4th everybody!! Be safe!

Me painting at the Farmer's Market.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Downtown Dog 20

8" x 8"
Oil on gesso panel

Well, I'm packing up to go back to Florida today. I have dropped off all the paintings and have seen all the people and my work is done.

I'll be back just in time for the Riverfront Farmer's Market Saturday. So, come out to see all the new paintings!

Some things have changed on the site. All unclaimed paintings have been posted on my Etsy Shop and the new price is $175 ($25 of that goes to the humane society) If you want me to hold a painting for you I will need a  deposit of $50 - just email me and let me know.