Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Taking a short break and magazine article...

No paintings lately
- I have been taking a short break to frame and other things.

I thought you would like to see a write-up in Encore Magazine about the upcoming show - here is the link: Encore Publishing

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Oregano Sprig

8" x 6"
Oil on panel

I had a little sprig of oregano left over and I stuck in this little bottle the other night and just thought it looked so peaceful and alive.

I'm in an art show October 7th at Caffe Phoenix
Here is the info - I hope you can make it!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sidewalk Sparrow

8" x 6"
Oil on panel

I'm going to go back to my daily paintings now that my project is finished. This is from a photo that Guy took at the Farmer's Market and when I saw it I thought how familiar this setting is - everyone has watched a little sparrow gather up bits of food on these sidewalks. I wonder, in 50 or 75 years will this scene still be familiar.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sleeping Dog

65" x 35"
Oil on canvas


Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Ursula" commission done

8" x 8"
Oil on panel

I worked at the Farmer's Market today and was able to finish this painting and I was also able to work on the "Luci" painting, which I thought was done, but now that I have been looking at it awhile realize that it is far from it. So, I'm going to spend a little more time darkening and lightening areas until it's right.

I think I'm going to try wood panels and see how that surface works - I have painted on wood before and really like the surface, but I am concerned about warping. I'll let you know how it goes.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Baldhead Island Paintings

East Beach Shore
5" x 7"
Acrylic on panel

Boathouse in the Marsh
5" x 7"
Acrylic on panel

Marsh Grass Reflection
5" x 7"
Acrylic on panel

Boathouse in the Marsh II
5" x 7"
Acrylic on panel

East Beach Shore II
5" x 7"
Acrylic on panel

East Beach Sur
5" x 7"
Acrylic on panel

East Beach Surf II
5" x 7"
Acrylic on panel

Marsh Grass and Water
5" x 7"
Acrylic on panel

Here are the paintings from Wednesday. I was in a funk all day and I can tell when I look back at the paintings - my state of mind effects my painting drastically and sometimes it's just best to just leave the paints and do something else. Also, I think I'll use oils the next time I go out - I always feel rushed when I'm working with acrylics because they dry so fast.

I've been working on the big white dog painting and should be done Sunday - I'll post a photo then. Also, been working on a black dog painting for the Caffe Phoenix show October 7th. I won't post that one because it is a "challenge' painting that Amelia, Michelle and I are doing - so it'll be a surprise.

I'm also working on the book of all the dog paintings and will unveil it at the show next year - probably around February at Botega in downtown Wilmington.

I will be at the Farmer's Market tomorrow - Hope to see you!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cat Portrait and Day Off

8" x 8"
Oil on panel
I've been working on this commission today that I received from Facebook. I have been on FB for a few months now and initially I didn't like the idea because of all the bad press that I had heard, but have found it invaluable as a tool to meet other artists and market my work. 
On another note, and you may find this interesting, in my opinion, cats are much more difficult to paint than dogs. One; their eyes are complex with pattens of colors and texture and depth. Two; their fur has (I've found) patterns more complex than a dog. Luckily their structural features vary slightly unlike a dog that can vary drastically differ depending on the breed. It's not really something that I have thought about up until now, but I find it really interesting.
Tomorrow I'm going to paint on Baldhead Island for the day while it's still warm. Looking forward to it and of course, I'll post the paintings when I get back. 
One last thing, without all of you I probably wouldn't have stuck with the project. Knowing that I have all of you as eyes for my work has been really important in keeping me focused - just wanted to let you know and to thank you.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Downtown Dog 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

Downtown Dog 100

 Downtown Dog 99
 Downtown Dog 98
 Downtown Dog 97
 Downtown Dog 96
 Downtown Dog 95
 Downtown Dog 94
Downtown Dog 93
Downtown Dog 92
Well, I am done!

I actually finished the 100th at about 3:00, took a nap and a walk on the beach.

I was glad I had miscalculated and needed to do one more because I tried to take my time and meditate on how my painting has changed. Most of all my confidence level has increased. Out of all 100 paintings, not one messed up to the point of having to redo - if I felt It was going badly I was able to fix it - which is my biggest fear - making a mistake and being crippled creatively. I made lots of mistakes and was ok with it.

My use of the brush and accuracy at mixing color, seeing color, seeing detail and translating it to the painting has gotten much better.

I highly recommend this to anyone who is a painter.

Well, not sure what to do now - I'll probable keep doing daily paintings  - I have a show in October that I need to work on and a Pooch Puzzle I'm doing for the Cameron Museum for a show later this year (will update on that later)

A magazine in Florida "The New Barker" contacted me about a possible cover 
- cool.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Downtown Dog 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91

 Downtown Dog 91
Downtown Dog 90

Downtown Dog 89

Downtown Dog 88

Downtown Dog 87

Downtown Dog 86

Downtown Dog 85

I'm getting close - realized today that my 100th was actually my 99th so I need to do one more tomorrow after I touch up the 8 that are in progress.

I'm experimenting with using a glass paint palette which seems to hold moisture really well so it slows drying and preserves the paint longer, also it wipes right off when your ready to mix more paint. I also realized today that titanium white is a lot more opaque than zinc white in case you were wondering.

Will be posting the final paintings tomorrow.
Then going to Bald Head Island to paint and relax for the day on Wednesday.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Downtown Dog 80, 81, 82, 83, 84

Downtown Dog 84
Downtown Dog 83

Downtown Dog 82

Downtown Dog 81
Downtown Dog 80
All I can say is I'm tired of painting dogs. 

Monday, September 7, 2009

Downtown Dog 72, 73, 74, 75, 75, 77, 78, 79

Downtown Dog 79
8" x 8"
Oil on Panel
This dog was a rescue and is blind. The lady that takes care of him now found him found him tied up and starving, close to death and made a brave decision to take care of him.  Now, this dog is loved and living a happy and healthy new life. Despite his handicap he surprisingly gets around really well!
Downtown Dog 78
 8" x 8"
Oil on Panel

Downtown Dog 77
8" x 8"
Oil on Panel
Downtown Dog 76
8" x 8"
Oil on Panel
This dog is a rescue also.
Downtown Dog 75
8" x 8"
Oil on Panel
Downtown Dog 74
8" x 8"
Oil on Panel
Downtown Dog 73
8" x 8"
Oil on Panel
Downtown Dog 72
8" x 8"
Oil on Panel
I now have 95 either done or in progress. Five more to go!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

"Rocky" the Cat

10" x 10"
Oil on Canvas
As you may know, I had a portrait giveaway on Facebook a few weeks ago and it has generated some commission jobs - Here is "Rocky", a painting I did for a guy in Philadelphia. I'm working on another for a girl in Florida in between the dog paintings.

My 100th Day for the dog paintings is the 13th and I am painting like crazy - at this point my life has been whittled away to mostly that and nothing else. It's really tough, but I see it no different that a runner's marathon, just a personal goal we set in our lives to prove to ourselves we are better than we think we are.

I'm not sure if I will make this goal, there is still so much to do.

I also wanted to let everyone know I will be at the Farmer's Market tomorrow - come out and see me!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Downtown Dog 68, 69, 70, 71 and a Cat

"Downtown Dog 71"
8" x 8"
Oil on panel
"Downtown Dog 70"
8" x 8"
Oil on panel
"Downtown Dog 69"
8" x 8"
Oil on panel
"Downtown Dog 68"
8" x 8"
Oil on panel
8" x 8"
Oil on panel
I saw the movie "Saraphine" the other night and if you get the chance, see it. It's really incredible story about a woman painter on the verge on insanity and genius. It  made me wonder about the old saying if a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it... you know that one... If a painter paints a painting and no one notices, is it art, is it valid and if one person notices and they say it's good and they are respected for their opinions of art, is it good - or is it just the old saying.. "beauty in the eyes of the beholder" and everyone else just follows along. I have noticed that out of all the paintings I have done - I will have some that just are not appealing overall, but that one person will see it and fall in love - they just have to have... kind of like finding a relationship.
Just some rambling thoughts.
On another note, I bought new brushes last night. Good ones. Now I know why I will not waste my money on cheap brushes anymore! A good brush is worth it's weight in gold and now I have seven. It just makes painting so much more enjoyable, on a level that you only see glimpses of with the cruddy brushes. So, if you are an artist, go out today and treat yourself to a good brush.
I did a portrait give away on Facebook a few weeks ago which has generated some commission jobs which I need right now to pay for my fancy brushes. Here is the portrait that I did for Paul Figura of Jacksonville.
I also did an animation of the progress of the painting:
I usually don't work in sections like I did for the cat portrait, but because there were so many patterns in the fur, it seemed to work out well.
Just letting everyone know, I will be at the Farmer's Market this Saturday.