Saturday, January 28, 2012


30" x 14"
oil on canvas

Really love painting these!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Loki Dog

8" x 8"
oil on canvas
Sold to a collector in North Carolina

Downtown Dog 8

If you think you've seen this painting before you have because it is number 8 in the Downtown Dog series. 

If you don't believe painting everyday makes you a better and more confident painter, here is proof. The bottom was painted with doubt and fear the top was painted with confidence and joy. Not saying the bottom wasn't with joy, but it was overshadowed with doubt because I was learning and still am, just in a better place without fear of screwing up. It's a good place.

The reason I painted this again was because the Downtown Dog 8 was sold and then the owner of the dog, found my card and ended up seeing the show downtown and wanted the painting, but because it was sold, I painted her another. It was a great experience because I can truly see how much I've grown. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Painting and New Book is Out!

"Roscar" commission
10" x 8"
oil on panel
Sold to a collector in North Carolina

My new book "Faithful" is now available at Blurb!!
29 paintings of the always faithful dog, in hardback and softcover.

a series of dog pai...
By Clair Hartmann

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Red Creek

oil on canvas
20" x 16"
Sold to a collector in Virginia

I have a love and envy of abstract painting. It has always been a struggle for me to trust myself enough to even complete an abstract painting. So when I can across Red Creek Jasper stones for my jewelry, I was tremendously moved. The colors and patterns in each stone are so unique and inspiring, I just had to give it a try.
This is what I came up with and by the way, I REALLY loved getting lost in this painting.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012


(lost dog series)
8" x 8"
oil on panel

25% of this sale goes to Second Chance Pitt Bull Rescue

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

12" x 7"
oil on panel

They say "Out with the old, in with the new" and this is my take on 2011. It was a tough year and I'm more than happy to start anew. 

Right before Christmas I started getting a cold. At times, I felt I was getting better -then it came on "full tilt". When it was done, it socked me with a good old fashion 2-day migraine. 

I'm happy (and relieved) to say on this beautiful New Year's Day, I feel renewed and fresh, being over this nastiness. It was such an appropriate way to end and begin this journey of a year. 

Happy New Year Everybody!!