Saturday, June 30, 2012

Wrightsville Beach

Wrightsville Beach
4" x 7"
oil on panel

Ever since I arrived in Wilmington, I have wanted to paint one of these lifeguard stations. I just love the design and they way they look against the summery backdrop. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

"Thinking About Shrimp"

"Thinking About Shrimp"
7" x 5"
oil on panel

First of all, I apologize for the numerous posts on this. Seems like lately nothing is working the way it's supposed to or maybe I'm not working the way I'm supposed to. Anyway, for whatever reasons, I think I figured out the problem. 

There is this great place here in Wilmington called Mott's Channel Seafood and going there to get seafood is an experience in itself. It's right over the water with lots of sea life, seagulls and pelicans eagerly waiting for a meal to be tossed out by the fisher-people.  I usually take my Chumley with me because he loves watching fish. He's obsessed with it. We'll walk down to the dock after picking out our meal for the night, Guy will shoot some photos and I'll just enjoy the fresh air and scenes while Chumley scans the water for activity.  Sometimes a wayward dolphin will pop out nearby which sends Chumley into an absolute frenzy. It's really funny to watch. 

Monday, June 25, 2012


12" x 12"
oil on paper on panel

I was able to borrow Guy's computer at work which is a PC (blah) to post this. Hopefully I will get my new computer Thursday - can't wait!

Stanlee belongs to Little Blue Feather shop owner. He caught my eye and I asked her if I could paint him. Here is her blog:

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Computerless :(

For the past week I have had both my computers die on me, so I have not been able to upload photos to my blog. Hopefully I'll be up and running soon.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ranchos de Taos

11" x 9"
oil on canvas

Dreaming of Taos.

Monday, June 4, 2012


12" x 12"
oil on paper on wood

30% of this sale goes to All Breed Rescue of Vermont

Saturday, June 2, 2012


9" x 12"
oil on canvas
Sold to a collector in New York

Hello everybody! Been working on a big, exciting project which I will reveal at a later date. It's been keeping me very busy so I have had to put daily painting down for awhile which hasn't been very "daily" lately. 

I also wanted to let you know that my largest painting at the Strathmore Cultural Center in Bethesda, "Shore Leave" sold  this week for $1800! Yayy!
I'm so excited to sell at such a prestigious gallery!