Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Daily Dog - Thirty

10" x 8"
oil on canvas

Well, I have come to a close on my little project of 30 dogs for 30 days and great timing because we leave for a short vacation tomorrow starting out on Shackleford Island where wild horse roam. I'm so excited and hope to get lots of great photos to do paintings from. Really been wanting to paint some horses after being inspired by Kathleen Coy's painting of the two horses which is amazing if you haven't seen it. By the way, she really rules when it comes to dog paintings.

I thought it was appropriate to end it with an adoptable dog, Eli. He is available at Saving Grace and 35% of the proceeds of this sale will go to Saving Grace shelter. He looks like a really great find and super lovable. If any one does decide to adopt him, let me know because it would be an awesome story and this painting goes to you as a gift. 

It's been fun and now I feel ready to get on some big paintings for my show in February!

See ya!

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Daily Dog - Twenty Nine

8" x 10
Oil on canvas

A few years ago a friend asked me to paint Buster, the family dog, for his wife's birthday. Last Christmas his wife asked me to paint her parent's dog that had suddenly passed as a gift to them. 
Sadly, sweet Buster passed away earlier this year and although the husband was concerned it was way to early for another dog, the wife started scanning the shelters. From the moment she saw Dakota, she knew she was the one! 

You can read the full story here and see pictures if you scroll to the bottom of the blog...

I wanted to paint Dakota because first off she is ADORABLE. Secondly, she is a rescue and I'm so happy that she has found a wonderful loving home and they are a great match.
Fortunately for sweet Dakota (and them) they were looking in rescue shelters  - there are so many wonderful dogs and cats out there that are needing good homes right now just waiting for the opportunity to make you happy.  
Here is where they found Dakota:


Officially rescued!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Daily Dog - Twenty Eight

10" x 8"
oil on canvas

This is Chumley looking out through his new dog door. I use the term "dog door" loosely because it really is just a hole cut into the door. He is deciding if it is safe and how exactly to get on the other side of this new hole. I helped him figure it out with an apple and now he hops through it effortlessly like a rabbit. 

In an effort to keep having to let him out all the time and for him to be more independent, I also taught him how to open the studio door into the carport, so he can jump through the new hole in the door and out to the yard. You can see a short video clip here.

Here a video of Chumley hopping like a rabbit.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Daily Dog - Twenty Six

8" x 10"
oil on canvas

I knew Jip in his younger days - he used to be all black, but now he has turned to gray. He belongs to a dear friend of mine that was sort of a second mother to me when I was growing up. She asked me to paint him as a memorial even though he's still kicking around and I was more than happy too. 

It was interesting to paint this because he is all gray, but there are subtleties of purples, yellows and blues as well - it's rather pretty and quite a challenge. 
I hope I did him justice. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Daily Dog - Twenty Five

10" x 8"
Oil on canvas

This is Brei Brei
She belongs to Dawn Estrin and her husband and she (and he) makes the most beautiful jewelry.  
You can see her work in Artful Home which is where I first fell in love with her style - by the way, I am a big fan of Artful home catalog, If you don't get it, I highly recommend if you are an art lover. 

Not sure how we came about being long distance friends, but I have done a few portraits for her and have some of her wonderful creations. 

Last year we worked out a deal and now she is using my artwork in her jewelry! 
(The bottom pendant is a painting I did awhile back)
You can see more of her work at her site here:
They also do custom jewelry creations.

Only 5 more to go and I've reached my goal of 30 dogs for 30 days!!

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Daily Dog - Twenty Four

"Frida Wrap"
10" x 8"
oil on canvas

Even though Frida and Chumley look alike, they are quite different in a lot of ways. One big difference is Frida loves to be wrapped up in blankets, sometimes completely covered up and she will stay like this for hours if undisturbed. Chumley hates to be covered up, even a little bit. If you do, he will tolerate for a few minutes then get up and move to a new location with less annoying accommodations.

As I was painting this the power went out, so a lot of the coloring was instinctual which I really liked, but what I didn't like was that right eye and some of the nose seemed a little long - I may revisit this one again.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Daily Dog - Twenty Three

10" x 8"
oil on canvas

So happy summer is here again!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Daily Dog - Twenty Two

"Roly Poly"
10" x 8"
oil on canvas

This is Chumley. 
He is the best dog in the whole world.... 
just sayin'.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Daily Dog - Twenty One

10" x 8"
oil on canvas

This is Frida after a day of Pups Play & Stay. She loves this place more than anything and will howl if she can't go. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Dog Park Day

24" x 24" Diptych
oil on canvas

This is a friend that Frida met at the dog dark a few weeks ago named Pixel. I painted Pixel's portrait as part of The Daily Dog series. Frida and Pixel had a fine day of chasing each other around, kicking up dust, smelling trees and establishing dominance. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Rocket Dog

48" x 24"
oil on canvas

I am so impressed with the obsessive drive of competitive - athletic dogs, so when I heard there was going to be a dock jumping competition here, I knew I had to go. I photographed this dog last weekend and knew it would be perfect! The large ring on his collar was just the icing on the cake - I felt it gave him a "carousel" feel, which to me is just magic!

I wanted to paint a jumping dog for a few years now and this is exactly what I saw in my mind's eye. I just love the way this painting looks - it came together way too quickly and I tried to slow down the painting just to savor every moment.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Daily Dog - Twenty

8" x 10"
oil on canvas

This scene takes place every morning and night. After Chumley eats, he watches Frida eat and I watch Chumley watch Frida eat. I have to watch him because if Frida hesitates for a second, he will take this as a signal she is done and charge in like a bullet in flight to help her out with the remaining kibble. 
He's so helpful.

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Daily Dog - Nineteen

8" x 10"
oil on canvas
35% of the proceeds go to 
animal rescue

I found Cinnamon's photo on a rescue site and can't remember which one at the moment, but really does it matter? There are thousands of dogs just like Cinnamon that need a home. If you are thinking about getting a pet, make the shelter your first stop.

I was drawn to Cinnamon's photo because of the obvious sadness in her eyes and it made me think about if we had not picked up Chumley off the highway that day and he had ended up in a kill shelter somewhere and what if no one had gotten picked him? And Chumley is an awesome dog! I hate to think about it. People think these dogs are the rejects and they are not - There are so many that just get lost or haven't found their right match and just need someone to love and protect them. 

Maybe it'll be you?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Daily Dog - Eighteen

8" x 10"
oil on canvas

This is Hannah. 
I saw this photo of her of her awhile back on a facebook friend's page...
I thought it was one of the funniest photos I had seen, but I also connected to it because sometimes I feel like this with life. That I'm being pulled along with no choices, but I do have choices and some of them are tough. I am at a point in my life where I have to make some tough choices in order to take care of myself. 

One of my most favorite quotes from my really smart sister is "don't just do something, sit there".... what it means to me is sometimes you can't control life, you need to sit with it awhile and the answers will become apparent. 

When I saw the photo of Hannah on the blue blanket, I just had to paint it. I have never met her, but she seems like a really cool dog. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Daily Dog - Seventeen

oil on canvas

This is Joe. 
He is one of the most loyal dogs I've ever met. He belongs to Sara and she is fiercely loyal to Joe. He follows her everywhere and she takes care of him throughout all the ailments old age brings. At night he sleeps with his head on her chest. He likes to bark at birds and loves to eat. He will chase a ball as long as you throw it and believes this is the most fun game in the world. 

"Sara Bird"
48" x 48"
This is a painting I did of Sara a few years ago. It sits on the wall in our living room - it is one of my favorite paintings.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Daily Dog - Sixteen

"Chumley and the Fish"
8" x 10"
oil on canvas

Chumley is obsessed with fish. 
When he spots someone fishing on the beach, he shakes with excitiment and charges over to the unsuspecting fisher-person, sits down and watches - This is his spectator sport. 
So, it is expected that his most favorite pastime is watching the koi at the Arboretum - he shakes with excitement as they all clammer up to him hoping that he has brought fish food. I'm sure he must be amazed that they have his undivided attention and at how easy it would be to just pluck one out  - lucky for them he's afraid of the water. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Daily Dog - Fifteen

8" x 10"
oil on canvas

I can't say I am completely happy with this painting - it did not turn out the way I saw it in my head. It may sound strange, but some paintings just need to "be" in their own way. It's almost as if they take on a life of their own and I have to know when to stop trying to control it. 

Last Friday, I missed the Daily Dog painting because I had a horrible migraine, so I decided to do one this morning on my day off to make up for it.

This Friday at the show I will have all The Daily Dog paintings to date which I think will be 20. Should be something to see and I hope to see you there!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Daily Dog - Thirteen

8" x 10"
oil on canvas

Once in a while, when I'm painting, Chumley will make his way up through the cords and tables and look up at me as if to say "Did you see that?" as if something spectacular just happened and I totally missed it. Unfortunately, my idea of spectacular does not jive with Chumley's. He'll usually sit there for a while, get bored, chuff and walk off to go look at the spectacular event going on that I obviously am too boring to understand. 

On another note, My Gallery is having a Mother's Day Show next Friday - I will have all "The Daily Dog" paintings up for display and maybe Chumley! It'll be the first time anyone has seen them - I'm so excited! Here is the poster - Hope to see you!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Daily Dog - Twelve

8" x 10
Oil on canvas

I have wanted to paint the Obama's dog for quite awhile and really enjoyed this one. 

Doesn't he just look like a rock star?