Friday, September 27, 2013

Monhegan Island

Monhegan Island
10" x 8"
oil on canvas

This painting is inspired by the Daily Paintworks Challenge:

I am having a sale in my Etsy Shop... 25% OFF Everything - offer ends SUNDAY! 
This also includes custom portraits and certificates. So if you're thinking about Christmas.....
Use PROMO CODE: TAKE25 when checking out.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Guardian

12" x 24"
oil on canvas

I wish I could tell you what this means, but I really don't know. 
Sometimes a painting has to be completed to show you what it means over time. Maybe it's the subconscious trying to emerge, but these elements just kept popping into my head, so I listened and painted. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Low Country Crabber

Low Country Crabber
24" X 12"
oil on canvas

Friday, September 13, 2013

Frida Sleeping

"Frida Sleeping"
10" x 8"
oil on hardboard


10" x 8"
oil on canvas

This is Kordell. He belongs to a woman who does rescue work. In my opinion he has aged beautifully and has an excellent profile. I really enjoyed working on this. 

Commissions are starting up early this year! Can I get a Yayy to that?
If you are thinking about a portrait, now is the time to put in an order. I have a feeling it's going to be a busy year. 

This year I'm giving a 15% discount to anyone who does animal rescue work. Let me know and I will add in the discount.

Just wanted to use this animation for no reason, just really like it.