Thursday, January 30, 2014

Chloe and Milton

Chloe and Milton
11" x 14"
oil on canvas
Sold to a collector in Virginia

going on now!
Click here for my Etsy Shop

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Frida in Zorn Palette

Frida in Zorn Palette
10" x 8"
oil on canvas

Today in had a bit of a breakthrough. I have discovered the amazing Zorn palette! A friend of mine told me about it awhile ago and I thought it was pretty crazy that you can get a range of colors from just yellow ochre, ivory black, cadmium red & white. So tonight, I cleared off my palette and started anew. For this limited palette, I felt such a sense of freedom! Not sure why, but I think with so many colors to choose from, I was feeling anxiety and pressure to "pump up the color". And then I realized, I'm not a colorful person - If you look at my closet, it's mostly black, grays, browns and I like it that way - don't get me wrong, I love a splash of color, but very limited. 

I LOVE this palette and will be exploring this much, much more. 
I am so excited!!! Can you tell?

For those of you who are not familiar with Anders Zorn, here is some information on him:

Friday, January 24, 2014

Random Facebook Pet Painting #21 and 50% OFF Studio Sale!!

Random Facebook Pet Painting #21
10" x 8"
oil on canvas
sold to a collector

I wanted to let you know of two exciting events going on. 
The first is my show at the MC Erny Gallery has been finalized - here is the info poster. Hope you can be there - it's gonna be BIG!!

The second is I am having a STUDIO CLEANING SALE! 
50% OFF 
Selected paintings and portraits til Jan 31st. 
and there is a lot to choose from :)
Here is the link....

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Look at Me

"Look at me"
24" x 36"
oil on canvas

Saturday, January 11, 2014


8" x 10"
oil on canvas
sold to a collector 

Been working on some LARGE painting for my show in February!

Thursday, January 9, 2014


16" x 12"
oil on canvas

I took the reference photo for this painting while walking on Wrightsville Beach last summer. I just love this scene.

It's definitely not "down-time" for me. My big show at McErny Gallery is at the end of February and I've been painting and framing, trying to get everything ready!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas Commissions...

Now that gift giving season is over, I can post some of the commissions I did. 
Here are a few...

12" x 12"
oil on canvas
Sold to a collector in North Carolina

8" x 10"
oil on canvas

10" x 8"
oil on canvas

8" x 10"
oil on canvas

10" x 8"
oil on canvas