Friday, March 28, 2014


8" x 10"
oil on canvas

This is Baxter.
He was recently fostered by Guy's son and now he is fully adopted.
We have been happily watching  him for the past 10 days.
He is partially blind and we are still trying to figure out how much he can really see. He bumps into things a lot, but other than that he maneuvers quite well through the obstacle course we call home. When he plays, he throws out both paws to kind of feel his way around. He is about the sweetest and cutest dog on the planet - right up there with Chumley and Frida. Because he can't see very well, he twists his head a lot and it is completely and totally disarming.

Tonight is the closing show reception for my companions show from 6-9!!

Also, I am on the cover of ENCORE Magazine this week!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


12" x 19"
oil on canvas
sold to a collector in Vermont

This is Julie. She was a stray in Greece, rescued and brought to Vermont to her permanent home.
I didn't know this, but the incidents of animal cruelty and abuse have reached epidemic proportions in countries like Greece where, culturally, companion and working dogs are not regarded as they are here in The United States, Canada and most parts of Europe.
Without humane societies or animal shelters, or any kind of spay/neuter system thousands of homeless Greek dogs do their best to survive on the streets, beaches and rugged countryside. They are unwanted, unloved and considered common pests, especially during tourist season, when the international community might bear witness to Greece’s “dirty little secret.” Though technically against the law, dogs and puppies are routinely poisoned, shot, beaten, drown and hung as means of population control. Perpetrators are rarely identified and almost never prosecuted.

Luckily, Julie and lots of others were able to get out and have safe loving homes with the help of a network of people. If you want to get more information about adopting a Greek stray or helping the rescue effort, here is their Facebook Page

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


8" x 10"

Been craving to do some watercolors.
Always loved these fantail goldfish.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Oystercatchers in Flight

"Oyster Catchers in Flight"
12" x 16" 
oil on canvas

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Dane in the Rain

"Dane in the Rain"
36" x 36"
oil on canvas

If you are interested in a portrait

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


oil on wood panel

Just wanted to get a small painting done before I get on the commissions I haven't been able to do because of all the "getting' ready for the show" stuff.

Speaking of the show - it was quite a hit!
There were lots of people and I was so happy with the way the paintings looked hanging together in one space. My family came up to see the show, which made it even more special.
Here are some photos from that night…
(It will be open until March 28th if you still want to see it)