This is the second time I have painted this. I like to paint a painting more than once to see if my style has changed, but on this one it's pretty close to the first one, which is good - I think my style is becoming consistent.
I also thought it would look good in the new gallery since it's a house on Bald Head Island.
I painted this image of the black dog a few years ago in a different format and I loved it so much that I decided to put him in a new setting. So, when I was thinking about what dogs to paint for The Woods Gallery (dogs are very popular on Bald Head Island) I decided to revisit this one.
Also, I've been getting 28 paintings ready to go to The Woods Gallery, which I dropped them off today. So far, I've sold three in three days and it's not even tourist season yet.
Speaking of tourist season, I will be at the Farmers Market downtown Wilmington all summer. My first day is April 11th so, come by and see me!
Well, it's not a painting, but it is what I did today.
The marble painting, which is now titled - "Now, where did I put those?" wasn't dry enough to paint, so I decided to make some beads. Boy, it's a lot harder than it looks. Once, I figured out the flame thing and got over my anxiety, I was able to get the glass hot enough to do something with it. not bad for a first timer. Click on the photo to get a larger view.
I am finishing the marble painting today and will send that later.
Well, the painting is coming along pretty good - I still need to do the highlight on the bottom marble when it dries more and a few other things. I figure one more session and I'll be done. I'm really loving this painting.
This is the first painting in a series I'm starting called "Larger than Life" for the Caffe' Phoenix Show in October with Michelle Connolly & Amelia Hutchins.
The meeting with Bald Head Gallery went really well. Shawn picked out a lot of paintings, we signed the contract and off she went back to the island.
If you ever get a chance to go out there it's really spectacular.
I'm working on a big marble painting. Here it is so far. I'm having a little trouble with the bottom one, but will fix it tomorrow. I want it to be like the others, but in a different color.
This painting is in progress. I was recently very moved by Martin Johnson Heade's "The St. Johns River" painting and wanted to try at a sunset. I'm really excited about this.
I'm also planning some paintings for The Woods Gallery on Bald Head Island.
5" x 7" Oil on board Click to buy I am really happy with this painting. It's strange, some paintings just come to life on their own and you know when it's happening from the first paint stroke. Some struggle so hard.
Some have asked what oil on board is. I use masonite from home depot that has been sanded and gessoed (primed). It's really inexpensive and I love the smooth surface.
7" x 5" Oil on board Sold I'm still working on this and should have it done either tonight or tomorrow. I'm having problems with the shadow under the berries - they look like they are floating to me. Maybe they are magic berries!
9" x 8" Oil on board Click to Buy Glad to be back!! Thought about painting the whole time!
There is an good discussion about making art and money - thought you would be interested in peoples opinions about art and artists: Artists in Survival Mode as Market Crumble
Really enjoying painting the plums - can't wait to do some cut up - oh, the inside color contrasting with the outer purple - can life get any better??!!
Just letting you all know, I will be taking a break until next Sunday. I’ll be in the Arlie Garden’s Green Day show Saturday. Hope whoever is close can come!!
7" x 5" Bid on this item I have been battling a cold - they are calling it the "Carolina crud". I've been sleeping a lot - hopefully it will pass quickly. I wasn’t completely thrilled with this, but I spent quite a bit of time on it in between sneezing and coughing, so I figured it deserved some recognition, since it went through so much.
I was looking for a poem for olive oil and came across this, which I thought was funny and decided to use it instead...
There once was a gal named Olive Oil, Who makes me blood rise to a boil, She sets me heart poundin, With her shrill voice soundin, Nee'r was there a more sexy goil!