10" x 8"
oil on canvas
Well, lately I have been having quite a "painters block". Not really wanting to paint and kind of sad about it. This has happened before and it's actually a good thing even through it doesn't feel like it. I believe when this happens my brain is sorting everything out I've learned to move to a new level which I'm quite excited about. I always feel a lot of fear in these times because I feel like I've "lost it" and it won't come back, but it always does which is a nice surprise.
I try to paint a gardenia every year when they bloom. They remind me of my grandmother. She introduced me to coffee and custard. She took me to church and liked to watch Billy Graham crusades really loud on her tiny TV. She liked to read the paper to me and would keep me up with her snoring. She wore red Estee Lauder lipstick and rhinestone glasses. She was stubborn and tough and I loved her very much.