Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Coffee Shop Flowers

12" x 12"
oil on canvas

I guess you could say I'm taking a break.
Maybe it's spring fever, Maybe I'm just tired, but lately I just haven't felt like painting.
This morning I just HAD to paint something. So, I saw these little roses in a little coffee shop the other day and snapped the photo with my phone and decided I would paint these.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Show Update...

8" x 10"

Remember the show I was going to have in September? Well, it's been pushed back awhile because of "life stuff". I'm still working on the show, but I've had some other emergencies come up that need my attention. It's still going to happen, just not when I thought it would.

Here is a portrait that I did in the beginning of the year.